Saturday, 26 February 2011

buying books

Even though I have loads to read , I have bought two books today.
The Rude Awakenings Of a Jane Austen Addict, which I admit I am and The King's Speech by Mark Logue, Peter Conradi. The film was amazing, so the true story is a must-read.

At the moment I'm reading The Celestine Prophect, a very interesting and enlighting book and The Observations by Jane Harris, which I'm finding slow to get into, but I will persevere as usually they get better halfway through.

buying books

Bought two books today even though I have loads to read. Couldn't resist The King's Speech by Mark Logue and Peter Conradi after seeing the movie, which was amazing. I'm really hoping that Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and my favourite actress of all time Helena Bonham Carter win some Oscars tomorrow.
The other book fuelled my Jane Austen addiction , with a book funnily enough called The Rude Awakenings of A Jane Austen Addict by Laura Viera Rigler. I love the classic novels of Jane Austen , but the new variations or continuations by other novelists can be such fun to read.
Currently I'm reading The Celestine Prophecy and The Observations by Jane Harris ( which I'm finding rather a struggle).